Written by Sally Malcolm
Copyright 2007 by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Stargate SG-1's The Cost of Honor is the sequel to A Matter of Honor, which is a sequel to one of the Stargate SG-1 TV episodes "A Matter of Time" where an SG team was stranded on a planet at the edge of a black hole. Because of Jack's deceptive practices to rescue the stranded SG team, Jack and his team of SG-1 are sent as prisoners to an alien world whose people the Earth government is trying to have diplomatic relations with.
With Jack feeling extreme guilt for leaving an SG team stranded for years at the event horizon of a black hole, the usually dependable Colonel Jack O'Neill pays a high price for going to the extremes of rescuing the stranded team - with Major Samantha Carter paying the highest price of this decision by being placed in an Ancient torture machine by the unscrupulous alien head of state. We feel Jack's pain, as well as Carter's, as Jack seems to lose everything that is dear to him.
All people smile in the same language.