Pocket Books
A Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
Written by Christopher L. Bennett
Copyright 2008 by CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.
In Greater than the Sum the Starship U.S.S. Rhea finds unusual life forms on a planet with the ability to mimic anything, when they are attacked by the Starship U.S.S. Einstein - which is now controlled by the Borg. As she is about to be assimilated by the Borg, Lt. T'Ryssa Chen, a half-Vulcan, is suddenly somehow sent two thousand light-years away.
With the Einstein cut off from the rest of the Borg, instaneous transportation - controlled by the new life forms - must be kept from the deadly Borg. Lt. Chen joins Captain Picard on the Enterprise as they search for a way to stop the Einstein.
Having T'Ryssa Chen being a half-Vulcan who embraces her human half appears a little odd to me. Actually I like the idea that the young Chen rebels against her Vulcan half, but it just makes her seem like another human and nothing really that special - except for the fact that she is half-Vulcan. Captain Picard takes Chen under his wing as a sort of protege. I look forward to Chen growing as a character in future books.
All people smile in the same language.