A Baen Books Original
Copyright 2005 by David Weber. "Miles to Go" and "A Brief Technical History of the Bolo by "Felix Hermes'" copyright 1995 by David Weber; first published in Bolos, Book 3: The Triumphant; "The Traitor" and A Time to Kill" copyright 1997 by David Weber, first published in Bolos, Book 4: Last Stand, edited by Bill Fawcett; "With Your Shield"copyright 2005 David Weber. Keith Laumer's "Bolo" universe used by permission.
Bolo! The anthology of Keith Laumer's creation of the BOLOs is a good anthology. I really felt for these dependable Bolos, which are tanks with artificial intelligence built in and the loyalty of a dog. With the Bolos analytical ability of extensive battle tactics and interacting with their human commanders, the Bolos make very formidable weapons. The Bolos have human-like characteristics that make them very loyal and dedicated to defend their human commanders commanding them from inside the Bolos. Even when one Bolo appeared to be a traitor - the Bolo was in reality battle damaged and was defending some children from a perceived enemy, even if that enemy was another Bolo who was on the same side as he was. That is how dedicated the Bolos are.
The one non-fiction article in the anthology is about the technical specifications of the weight, speed, armament and the upgrades of the Artificial Intelligences installed into the various models of the Bolos, from the first Bolo to the last Bolo.
All people smile in the same language.