WILLIAM SHATNER with Judith Reeves-Stevens & Garfield Reeves-Stevens
Copyright 1997 by Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved.
In Avenger, a deadly virus is endangering the Federation. James T. Kirk, long believed dead, leaves his home and goes on a quest in Federation space to find a cure. Meanwhile, Spock must deal with his father's mysterious death.
With Kirk and Spock on the scene, it was inevitable that they would eventually find each other - along with new associates similar to their old crew. Working together, Kirk and Spock seek to fight against common old foes. And being in the 24th century, they would eventually meet up with Picard and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise, also looking for the cure to the virus. Spock becomes more emotional after his father Sarek's death. While there is a logical explanation for this, it is quite disconcerting to see our beloved Spock act in this manner. Although on the same side, Kirk and Picard have different agendas and go into conflict with each other. Vulcan officials are not exactly crazy about Kirk and his actions either.
While it is nice to see Sarek earlier in his career during the flashbacks, it also shows that there is more to Sarek than you ever suspected. You also see a young Kirk struggling to survive while he was at Tarsus IV - which also suffered from an exotic fungus.
All people smile in the same language.