
Monday, July 23, 2012



Written by William Leisner

Copyright 2009 by Paramount Pictures Corporation.
All Rights Reserved.

TM, Registered and copyright 2009 by CBS Studios Inc. STAR TREK and related marks are trademarks of CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.

In Losing the Peace, Captain Picard and the Enterprise are on disaster relief duties after the Borg War.

After the events of the Destiny trilogy, Picard is reluctantly put on disaster relief duties close to home space by the President of the Federation after the Borg war has devastated most of the Federation - as well as devastating the Klingon and Romulan Empires. Chief of Security Jasminder Choudhury has survivor's guilt from surviving the Borg war and wonders about the fate of her family after her home world of Deneva has been devastated by the Borg. Meanwhile, Dr. Crusher goes on a mission for refugees to the planet Pacifica.

Because the Federation has not known want, the government of Pacifica can not deal with the pressure of the semi-permanent refugee population from throughout the Federation being sent to Pacifica. The government of Pacifica then threatens basically to build a concentration camp for the refugees, instead of a real refugee camp - while an outbreak of contaminated water breaks out amongst the refugees. A pregnant Dr. Beverly Crusher arrives on Pacifica on a runabout and gets the outbreak under control with help from the resident doctors and a refugee who is on Pacifica. Meanwhile, Alpha Centauri considers withdrawing from the Federation because of Alpha Centauri's selfishness - until Picard kidnaps the Alpha Centaurus president and forces the president to confront the beleaguered planet of Pacifica.

It is interesting that half-Vulcan T'Ryssa Chen is contacted by her long-estrained Vulcan father when learning about her human mother's death during the Borg invasion. After meeting T'Ryssa's apparently uncaring father, I can understand now why half-Vulcan T'Ryssa embraces her human side instead of her non-emotional Vulcan side. Since she felt her mother was safe, I felt for T'Ryssa when she learns of the unexpected loss of her mother.

This book leads into Federation President Bacco announcing that the Federation enemies are forming the Typhon Pact.

All people smile in the same language.

Monday, July 16, 2012



A Novel by Alexander Irvine

Based on the Screenplay by Justin Theroux

Copyright 2010 Marvel Entertainment, Inc., and its subsidiaries. Iron Man2, the Movie copyright 2010 MVL Film Finance LLC. Marvel, Iron Man, all character names and their distinctive likeness: TM & copyright 2010 Marvel Entertainment, Inc. and its subsidiaries.

All rights reserved.

Book design by Giorgetta Bell McRee

In Iron Man 2, written by Alexander Irvine, is a novelization of the movie Iron Man 2. Now that Tony Stark has revealed his identity as Iron Man, the U.S. government and military wants control of Stark's weapons system - the Iron Man suit. Meanwhile, Stark is hunted by a Russian criminal  getting revenge for his father against Tony Stark's father because of the technology powering the Iron Man suit.

With Stark's best friend Rhodey being in the military, Rhodey's loyalties are painfully divided between the military and Stark. With Stark going into a drunken depression from all of the fame and pressure of the government, and of Stark's impending death from his fatal wound during the war, Rhodey's decision is forced upon him - although Rhodey is unaware of Stark's medical condition. Rhodey soon falls in bed with Stark's weapons system influential rival Justin Hammer. With the military's help, Hammer soon reverse engineer's the Iron Man suit and creates Rhodey's powerful new War Machine suit design.

I liked Ivan Vanko's determined motivation on getting his revenge against Stark, with having Vanko's father dying as a poor man - while Stark's father gets all of the fame for their technology after Vanko's father and Stark's father worked together to invent the arc technology. With Vanko being a Russian prisoner, Vanko had more characterization to me than of a typical Russian character. Of course, there is more focus on internal characterization in a novel than there is in a movie - so Vanko was more relatable to me in the book than he was in the movie, and Vanko was relatable to me in the movie with Mickey Rourke's acting as the evil villain character Whiplash.

It was great to see Pepper Potts being made into the CEO of Stark Enterprises, of which Pepper is quite capable of handling - especially as Stark becomes more and more drunk. As a replacement for Pepper, Stark gets a new beautiful assistant Natalie Rushman - who has a mysterious agenda.

Nick Fury and SHIELD make an appearance in this story, along with SHIELD's new agent - the Black Widow. SHIELD further links the Marvel comic books and movies into one shared universe.

Click here for the review of the movie Iron Man 2.

All people smile in the same language.

Thursday, July 12, 2012



Written by Michael A. Martin

Copyright 2009 by CBS Studios Inc.
STAR TREK and related marks are trademarks of CBS Studios Inc.
All Rights Reserved.

In Beneath the Raptor's Wing, the first novel of The Romulan War series written by Michael A. Martin, the Earth-Romulan War is in full swing. With the Romulan Star Empire's ability to remotely take control of other alien race's starships, the other races of the Coalition slowly pull out of their commitment to the Coalition of Planets - leaving Starfleet alone to deal with the Romulans as it turns out that the Starfleet ships resists the Romulan takeover programming better than the others ships in the Coalition. Captain Jonathan Archer was very upset at being abandoned by the Coalition, while the news media escalates both sides of the story.

I was disappointed that the Vulcans had refused to have an active part of the war. While I understand the Vulcans non-involvement in the war, especially with their racial connection to the Romulans, it was very disconcerting to me to watch the Vulcans just stand by and let Earth handle the war mostly by themselves and the Andorians. The Vulcans offer of a detection grid in Coalition space hardly makes up for the Vulcan's lack of support - especially when the detection grid seems to be ineffectual to any type of detection of the Romulan ships as the Romulans continue to get through the grid and launch sneak attacks on the various planets.

I was sad that Travis Mayweather was so pissed off with Archer over what had happened with the freighter the Kobayashi Maru - that Mayweather packs up and leaves the Enterprise. I can understand how Mayweather would feel - in that Archer would have treated his family's freighter the same way under the same circumstances, and that he can not work with Archer anymore. With Archer trying to form an alliance with the Klingon Empire in order to have the Klingons to join Starfleet against the Romulans - it shows how the reader of how desperate the situation is becoming for Earth in this first year of the Romulan war.

Having the Romulans undergoing a Machiavellian power struggle amongst themselves in the middle of the war was interesting. It was like a comeuppance to the Romulans for me. Meeting Captain Dunsel for the first time in the Star Trek series was anti-climatic for me as I expected a more incompetent person to be the infamous Captain Dunsel, and I did not feel that Dunsel had deserved his infamous reputation that he had amongst the midshipmen at Starfleet Academy.

All people smile in the same language.

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