Pocket Books, A Division of Simon & Shuster, Inc.
Written by William Shatner with Judith & Garfield Reeves-Stevens
Copyright 2006
In Captain's Glory, an alien threat called "The Totality" tries to absorb all life in the Milky Way galaxy - including Captain Kirk's son. Because they have different agendas about The Totality, James T. Kirk and Captain Jean-Luc Picard are on opposing sides about The Totality as Captain Kirk searches for his lost son.
With the alien woman leader Norinda of The Totality's driven interest to embrace Kirk to her with The Totality's love, it makes you wonder what love truly is and what it means - as The Totality's persuasive love makes one become part of The Totality, which The Totality did with the Andromeda galaxy. This is definitely a Kirk book, although Picard's personality is just as strong - especially when Kirk and Picard go up against each other in their own ships. Can Kirk really defeat the Enterprise?
All people smile in the same language.