Pocket Books, A Division of Simon & Shuster, Inc.
Written by Geoffrey Thorne
Copyright 2007
In Sword of Damocles, the starship Titan is stranded in space by a planet that sent out a massive warp pulse that disabled the Titan's engines. The pulse is in response by the inhabitants to a celestial body that the inhabitants are in fear of. While sending a shuttlecraft down to the planet, another pulse sends some of the shuttlecraft's crew to the surface - and the rest of the crew into the planet's past.
With some of the crew stuck in the past, the issues of fate and predestination come into play with one of the Titan crew's religious beliefs. Religion is rarely dealt with in the Star Trek universe, unless the religion is part of an alien race. It is difficult to believe all the major religions of Earth have been disbanded in only a couple of centuries, which makes Starfleet and the Federation a little sterile, so the issues brought up by one of the Bajoran crew member adds more texture to the Star Trek universe.
All people smile in the same language.
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