EOS An Imprint of Harper Collins Publishers
Written by William H. Keith, Jr.
Copyright 2007
Star Marines, Book Three of The Legacy Trilogy is set at a time where Earth's leaders get ready to abandon the planet Earth - after Earth has been bombarded by asteroids from their ancient enemy alien race Xul. The Star Marines are sent across the galaxy to attack a Xul planet to prevent further attacks on their home.
In the second trilogy about the Space Marines, the stakes have grown in the Marines' battles. With the survival of Earth itself at stake - and various government leaders wanting to eliminate the military altogether to prevent the Xul from further destroying the planet - the Marines launch a desperate strike against a Xul controlled stargate to prevent the Xul from locating Earth again. The Expedition seems quite desperate as you realize how little resources the Earth can afford to send on this mission, but it is the dedication of the Marines that make you want to pull for the Marines. It is interesting to see how Marines from other worlds are being integrated into the Earth Marine traditions. I wanted to see more of that integration of Marines from other worlds, rather than the continuing adventures of the Garroway family. While the Garroway family had an important role in the first trilogy, and as much as I like the Garroways, there are other people in the Marines that could take on a leadership role in stories and I wanted to get more involved with the other Marines.
All people smile in the same language.
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