
Monday, August 9, 2010


Del Rey Mass Market Edition
Written by Karen Traviss

Copyright 2008 by Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved.

In Order 66, part of the Republic Commando novels told from the clone troopers point of view, events leads up to the most infamous order in the Star Wars galaxy as Kal Skarita strategically plans to get his clan of elite clone commandos out of the Galactic Army of the Republic. Now how does Order 66 affect their relationship with their Jedi close friends?

The actual order number 66 is part of 150 contingency orders that were never meant to be used, but meant for only the most dire of emergencies: the Jedi have staged a coup and all must be shot on sight. As a clone says to a Jedi general, "you thought we were excellent troops because we obey orders, but when we obey all orders - and these are legal orders - we've betrayed you." The reason the order is so destructive is that the Jedi are so powerful, only lethal force can be used to stop them. As the Jedi have become more of a political force in the Star Wars universe, instead of a force for good, we are not as sympathetic to the Jedi as when we first heard about them in Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope. In fact, when a Jedi accidentally kills a major character, I felt no sympathy to that unknown Jedi, who to me the Jedi was an insurrectionist. Life after Order 66 by Emperor Palpatine effects Kal Skirata's clan of clones and makes it much more difficult for them to extract themselves from the galactic war, and the newly formed Empire, as the clones mission objectives are to officially search for Jedi escapees. While most of the action takes place on Coruscant, there are some scenes in space as some of Skirita's clones are on other planets and are trying to be extracted for home - including Jedi Etain trying to make it home to her clone husband and son.

All people smile in the same language.

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