
Written by David Mack
Copyright 2008 by Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Art by Rick Rick Berry; design by Alan Dingman.
Lost Souls written by David Mack, is Book III of the Destiny trilogy. Captains Jean-Luc Picard, William Riker, and Ezri Dax must fight the Borg for the sake of the known galaxy.
What I liked about Lost Souls is that you finally get to find out where the Borg came from and who the Borg Queen is. Having Will Riker being forced to leave behind his crew and his wife, Deanna Troi, in order for Will and his ship to escape the Caelier with Captain Erica Hernandez of the Columbia on board made me feel for Will and the responsibilities of command. Having President Bacco of the Federation accepting the responsibility for the fall of the Federation made me really feel for her knowing the Federation is being destroyed as she listens to report after report of the fall of various strategic points in and out of Federation space to the Borg. It really makes me feel for President Bacco because she is really just a regular person from a small town on a small planet, who just happens to be the President of the Federation. The fact that President Bacco gives Captain Picard to take any actions - even if they violate Starfleet or Federation law - made me appreciate how desperate she considers the situation.
With Picard strongly considering using Thaleron radiation to destroy the Borg, of which use was last seen in the movie Star Trek - Nemesis, Geordi LaForge strongly objects to building such a device as it is morally wrong. You can see how obsessed Picard is for ordering Geordi to build such a device. As it is, they use the dangerous Omega molecule - the perfect molecule of which the Borg have been looking for - as bait to lure the Borg into a trap. Now will their plans work in stopping the Borg?
All people smile in the same language.
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