Pocket Books
An original novel based on the hit TV series created by Joss Whedon
Copyright 2000 by Twentieth
Century Fox Film Corporation. All rights reserved.
In Immortal, Buffy encounters aggressive vampire Veronique who - when you dust her - reemerges as another vampire in another body. Meanwhile, Buffy's mother is sick and is about to undergo an operation. How can Buffy be with her mother - when an immortal vampire is after Buffy?
I felt for the usually dependable Buffy as she would much rather stay by the side of her sick mother - rather than fighting vampires, or of fighting the arrival of the evil demons Triumvirate that are wanting to absorb human souls. Having the Scooby gang prey on Buffy's duty as a Slayer was rather cruel of the gang, but that is the point. Which has more priority, Buffy's mother or the end of mankind?
The cover of the book also has what I think is the best cover of the entire book series of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. To me the cover for Immortal represents the Hell scenarios that Buffy is always encountering.
All people smile in the same language.