Written by Malcolm Kohll
based on the BBC television series by Malcolm Kohll
by arrangement with BBC Books, a division of BBC Enterprises Ltd
Novelisation copyright Malcolm Kohll, 1989
Original script copyright Malcom Kohll, 1987
The BBC producers of Delta and the Bannermen was
John Nathan-Turner.
The Director was Michael Ferguson
The role of the Doctor was played by Sylvester McCoy
At a space toll port, the Doctor and Mel win the Grand Prize from the toll port - which is being part of a Fifties tour to Disneyland on the Planet Earth. Delta, the last of the Chimeron, sneaks on board the tour trying to get away from the aggressive Bannermen who are chasing her. On the tour's way to Disneyland, they hit America's first space satellite and crash land at a resort in the middle of England as the Bannermen follow the tour group back to Earth.
I always felt it was just a little too unbelievable that Billy, the camp mechanic trying to fix the tour's disabled bus, would fall in love with Delta - and suddenly decide to turn himself into a Chimeron, especially with no thought that the process may kill him. It was very selfish of Billy taking the food of Delta's daughter from the little baby and eating it for himself. Despite Billy taking her food, Delta's daughter grows rapidly, which shows how alien her physiology is - and what a radical change Billy must be going through. Searching for Delta, the Bannermen are supposed to be deadly soldiers - but the Bannermen are hard for me to take too seriously with a staff of banners strapped to their backs. It is rare having Americans in the Doctor Who series, which was great to see for once, but the American agents tracking the missing satellite of course have no clue as to what is going on around them.
All people smile in the same language.
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